Bentonite Grease
Bentonite Grease Definition

Bentonite Grease(Extreme Pressure) is an in-organic clay based grease for plain and rolling bearings operating at temperatures higher than those at which conventional soap based greases can be used. This grease is amber colored multipurpose grease containing anti-corrosion and EP additives and is suitable for most conditions especially at elevated temperatures. The grease performance is limited only by the properties of the base oil. This grease will give excellent service life at temperatures in excess of 160°C, provided the re-lubrication period is suitable adjusted. This grease is mostly used for fans, plumber blades underground mining, plastic injection molders, etc.
Bentonite Grease Applications
- Recommended for use in bearings operating at high temperature where conventional soap thickened greases fail due to the high temperature
- Suitable for use in heavily loaded, medium to large, slow speed bearings commonly found in kilns, steel mills of aluminum, glass and rubber plant
- Recommended temperature range : -20o C – 180oC
- recommended for use in all industrial ball, roller and plain bearings where extremely high temperatures are coupled with heavy loads
- particularly useful in applications where melting-out or dripping of grease would cause damage to production or materials
- Widely used in the equipment of metallurgy, casting and rolling, papermaking machinery and cement production
- Not recommended for automotive use. Do not mix with non-bentone greases.
- High temperature resistant.
- Good sealing properties.
- Resists softening.
- Good EP properties.
- Reduced maintenance.
- No leaking of grease from bearings.
- Non-melting thickener keeps consistency at high temperature
- Good protection against rust and corrosion
- Excellent water-wash out protection and storage stability
- High degree of water resistance.
- Good pumpability characteristics.
- Good sealing properties in dusty conditions.
- Wide temperature range.